AWS Data Engineering Certification


Is anyone here planning to take the AWS Data Engineering certification? If so, do you think the materials we have been studying here will be enough to prepare for and pass the certification?

Or, is there anyone here who has already taken the certification and could share some tips?

Thank you very much :upside_down_face:

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Hi Irina!

I plan to take the AWS Data Engineering certification too, in a few months ! I think the course gives a great foundation, but I also plan to follow the AWS learning path for the certification. That’s the approach I used for Microsoft certifications.

Additionally, I’ve found it helpful to purchase practice questions similar to those on the test from sites like MeasureUp or SkillCertPro. They’re great for exam prep!

Good luck, and happy studying! :grinning:


Hi @irinavelez I agree with francois, it can take you to a basic level for the certification, but for sure the AWS learning path is a most, although this is a great resource to gain understanding and knwoeldge on how things work.

@francois_adam @pastorsoto thank you for your advice. I have started checking the AWS learning path and the practice questions from Tutorials Dojo. Off course, because this course was built with AWS, I think it could be easier to complete that certification. I will try the free exam available in AWS and let you know how it goes.