Hi everyone,
I did some changes in my main.tf file and unfortunately i deleted some lines.
Can someone please post the code of the main.tf file here?
Kind regards,
Hi everyone,
I did some changes in my main.tf file and unfortunately i deleted some lines.
Can someone please post the code of the main.tf file here?
Kind regards,
Hello @macoo17,
You should be able get a new file if you go to help and click get latest version
. In order to have this any effect you need to delete main.tf
file since get latest version
won’t replace the file otherwise. You can do that for every file or even folder and start a lab fresh. Here is the code of main.tf
, thanks:
module "landing_etl" {
source = "./modules/landing_etl"
project = var.project
region = var.region
public_subnet_a_id = var.public_subnet_a_id
db_sg_id = var.db_sg_id
host = var.source_host
port = var.source_port
database = var.source_database
username = var.source_username
password = var.source_password
source_data_lake_name = var.source_data_lake_name
scripts_bucket_name = var.scripts_bucket_name
data_lake_name = var.data_lake_name
glue_role_name = var.glue_role_name
# module "transform_etl" {
# source = "./modules/transform_etl"
# project = var.project
# region = var.region
# public_subnet_a_id = var.public_subnet_a_id
# glue_role_arn = module.landing_etl.glue_role_arn
# data_lake_name = var.data_lake_name
# curated_db_name = var.curated_db_name
# curated_db_ratings_table = var.curated_db_ratings_table
# curated_db_ml_table = var.curated_db_ml_table
# scripts_bucket_name = var.scripts_bucket_name
# depends_on = [module.landing_etl]
# }
# module "alter_table" {
# source = "./modules/alter_table"
# project = var.project
# region = var.region
# glue_role_arn = module.landing_etl.glue_role_arn
# data_lake_name = var.data_lake_name
# curated_db_name = var.curated_db_name
# curated_db_ratings_table = var.curated_db_ratings_table
# scripts_bucket_name = var.scripts_bucket_name
# ratings_new_column_name = var.ratings_new_column_name
# ratings_new_column_type = var.ratings_new_column_type
# depends_on = [module.landing_etl, module.transform_etl]
# }
Thank you