C3_W3_A1 q_values "Invalid syntax"

Link to the classroom item you are referring to: C3_W3_A1 Lab

I am receiving the following error after running the compute_loss function:

File “”, line 31
q_values = q_network(states)
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

I did not change anything in that line as it is not something that we are required to change or add to. How do I fix this error?

Nvm. I found the issue.

Thanks for your report.

For anyone else who sees this thread, the most likely cause of a python syntax error at the beginning of a line like that is that there is something incomplete about the previous line. Typically a missing close parenthesis or close bracket.

If you have a hard time finding a syntax error, that probably means you are looking in the wrong place. :nerd_face: