
I think here must be updated in the padding section :grinning:

Hi @hetekce

When using pad_sequences function, you should directly pass the ragged tensor without converting it to a NumPy array.

By converting it to a NumPy array, you lose the ragged tensor structure, and you code may not return expected results.

Hope it helps!


actually it raises an error without converting it to a NumPy array. Moreover, you can see that usage in Lab3, which was created by Deeplearning.AI team :slight_smile:

I just wanted to share this issue hier for Deeplarning.AI team to update the notebook. If you look at the picture carefully, they create a ragged_sequences in the previous cell and not passing it into the second cell (see that i have uncommented). Instead they use sequences variable.

Have a good day!

Thanks for bringing this up. The staff have been informed to fix the notebook.

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Thanks for reporting the issue!