C3W3 Exploring Overfitting in NLP - Question about model

Hello DP and team,

I am having some issue with the creae.model () -

I get the error ValueError: error, 100,100, 100) Input 0 of layer"

Any help apperciate.

![Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 11.19.33 in the morning|690x137]
creating the model: ValueError: e, 100, 100, cx100)
![Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 10.40.44 in the morning|690x346](Non-compliance to repeated warnings about not posting codes on public post thread can cause action from staff, please follow community guidelines and don’t post codes on public post

The tf.keras.Input() layer statement appears to end with an underscore character. Maybe that is a typo.

Apologies, here are the correct sceenshots (below).
I am having some issue with the create.model ().

I get the error ValueError: error, 100,100, 100) Input 0 of
![Screenshot 2024-09-08 at 5.08.15 Posting codes again and again even after repeated warnings is considered as not following Code of Conduct, share codes only when a mentor ask you for codes to share by DM)

Hopefully a mentor for that course will be able to assist you.


Why are you posting codes on public post thread even after repeated warnings.

i suppose by now you have been told about this many times. use edit option and remove all the codes from your post.

Also sharing an complete error log is required in your public post thread. in case your error log is lengthy, take two separate screenshots.

Based on how much error is seen your dimensions are not matching

So if your input dim is vocab size and weight is pretrained embedding, these two are not matching. Check below thread, point 4


Hi DP,

My apologies DP, the DL community interface is not very intuitive nor friendly. I find it hard rto discern what is posted as public or private when composing. I will try to be more attentive to the interface .

Thank you for your suggestions and reference tto C3W3 Graded Assignment Error

I will try this!

Private Message is when mentors asks you to send codes or any information not allowed to share here where you create a post.

When you click on a profile like Deepti Prasad, you get a option message, when you click on message that is DM and private.

If you refer FAQ section, you will know more about discourse community and how to use it.

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If you post directly on a forum thread, it’s public.
If you use the Message button, it’s private.

Private messages have a little “envelope” icon in the title, like this:

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