Hi @tbhaxor,
most algorithms to create trees rely on binary splits. I noticed this question is also asked here: Are decision trees always binary trees?
Feel free to follow if this is of interest for you!
If you have a loo large depth or too complex model with too many parameters, you really increase the risk of overfitting which you can see, e.g on your test set performance or residual analysis of train and test set, see also this thread for some info: Didn't understand: (Model selection based on degree of polynomial) Overly optimistic regards to generalization error - #3 by Christian_Simonis
Usually you can regulate the tree structure with the maximum depth, in our previous example it was (Max_depth=4
): Can decision tree algo used for regression? - #2 by Christian_Simonis
In addition the model (and how smooth it can follow the labels and overcome the discretisation) can be steered with the numbers of boosting stages n_estimators=300
which allowed a finer discretisation than with only n_estimators=1
, see also: Decision Tree Regression with AdaBoost — scikit-learn 1.2.1 documentation
So in summary it’s your architectural decision how complex you design your model. It’s a trade-off between having:
- sufficient freedom (e.g. tree depth) to learn abstract patterns in the parameters and not to underfit
- but not having to many parameters (so that besides actual patterns also noise is memorised and factored in by the model which we would be calling overfitting)
I would like to encourage you to play a little with the code example on the adaboost model. You can start with modifying the regularization of your model with the maximum depth. (Afterwards you can also think about pruning, cutting low info branches, see also this article: Understanding Decision Trees. You can relate our decision making… | by Himanshu Birla | The Startup | Medium).
Best regards