Does Assignment infringe spotify's legal terms

,In assignment 2 Batch data processing from an api:

The case surrounding the assignment is that marketing wants to do marketresearch based on machine learning, but the spotify developer terms explicitely prohibits analyzing their content for marketing and machine learning in general:

In section III Some prohibited applications
"13: Do not analyze the Spotify Content or the Spotify Service for any purpose, including without limitation, creating new or derived listenership metrics, benchmarking, functionality, usage statistics, user metrics, or building profiles of users, including for the purpose of targeting them with advertising or marketing.

  1. Do not use the Spotify Platform or any Spotify Content to train a machine learning or AI model or otherwise ingest Spotify Content into a machine learning or AI model.

We are using our own account so are we violating the spotify terms for our account, if we answer the assignment? The case and ingestion is explicitly forbidden.

I would like an official answer from deep learning.
Am I the only one worried?

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Hello @kaekae,
I understand your concerns and perhaps a staff @hawraa.salami @Mubsi could share their insights over using this Platform. However, it didn’t cross my mind from the first place after trying the assignment it might violate rules. I just hope for learners to find it useful and inspire them to use API to build their own projects. Thank you

I agree that a staff member ought to look into this.
As a student you just assume the cases are legal and you do nothing wrong by replicating the cases. Not every student is going to read all the legal documents, and as a student you like to play around yourself and build your own projects. That ought to be relatively save and legal. So let us hear from the staff whether there is a problem here or I just misinterpret the spotify legal terms for the usage of their api.
I am for one worried that someone might unintentionally break the spotify api usage rules. A warning ab,out reading the usage cases for third party apis might also be appropriate in the course and what to look out for.

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Hi @kaekae! Thank you so much for reporting your concern here, and taking the time to look into Spotify policy.

The main objective from this assignment is for learners to practice interacting with an API (authentication and pagination). In the lab, the data extracted from the API was not used to do any data analysis or for advertisement, or fed to an ML. So in the lab, learners are only asked to extract data from Spotify (just for educational purposes).

We usually like to add use cases just to motivate the lab. And the use case is just hypothetical. I think we need to work on adjusting the use case surrounding the lab, so thank you for bringing this to our attention. But please feel free to try the lab, as you’ll only be asked to extract the data (not analyze it).

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Thanks for the answer. Even though the case is hypothetical students might get the impression it is legal to behave as in the case. I agree it is a good idea to adjust the case. I also like the cases. It is a great pedagogical tool. Keep up the good work :slight_smile: Thanks for the course.