Hi there,
I need a help! If anyone here can It’d be appreciated!
I’m working on image classification project using the mnist dataset from tfds. I got the inspiration from the ungraded lab: C3_W1_Lab_2_TFX_Tuner_and_Trainer.
Here is what I changed:
- first of all, I used the mnist dataset
- then I changed the model architecture, instead of DNN I used a CNN. The model that I created is a modified version of a ResNet. I build a ResidualBlock class stored in residual module file.
But I got this error message when trying to run the Tuner component:
ValueError: Missing data for input “image_xf_input”. You passed a data dictionary with keys [‘image_xf’]. Expected the following keys: [‘image_xf_input’]
I’ve tried to change the _transformed_name() function to add _input but I did work.
You’ll find below the project folder.
Image_Classification_Project.zip (22.4 KB)
Looking forward to hearing from you!
I meant : I’ve tried to change the _transformed_name() function to add _input but I didn’t work.
Are you doing this lab in your local jupyter environment??
Also if you can share image of the error
No, not in jupyter because I couldn’t install TFX on it, but in Colab.
Here are the screenshots of the error message :
@Deepti_Prasad Does that help you understand the error?
Are you doing in the Coursera provided environment colab or your own colab?
If you own colab, you need to download all the necessary files required you to do the assignment.
The error is stating, it is unable to find the utils.py file which eventually is causing other errors.
I’ve tested it both on Coursera provide environment colab and on my own colab, but I get the same error.
@Jamal022 Sorry to bother but I need a help here!!!
Okay you are doing another project (personal project) but got the inspiration from the assignment right?
I took a look on your code and i guess it’s about naming convention:
you wrote in your code:
# Input key
_IMAGE_KEY = 'image_xf'
Where it’s expected to be:
Did you try to modify this?
Hi @Jamal022,
Thanks, but that was the first thing I did. But It didn’t work!