Failed to convert a NumPy array to a Tensor (Unsupported object type numpy.ndarray)

Hello @Eduardo_Saldarriaga,

Please forget about the VS Code for now and focus on solving the problem on Coursera.

  1. Go to coursera, and open the lab from there.
  2. Follow these instructions to get a new copy of the lab. The instructions will ask you to rename the current lab’s name in order for the system to get you a new copy. If you successfully get a new copy, besides the renamed file, a new lab notebook named “C3_W3_A1_Assignment.ipynb” will show up.
  3. Open the new lab notebook.
  4. Copy your work for exercise 1 & 2 to the new lab notebook. Please only change code in between "### START CODE HERE ### " and “### END CODE HERE ###”. Again please don’t change any other part of the notebook.
  5. Run all the cells from the top of the new lab notebook on coursera
  6. Report here the whole error traceback if any.

Our future discussion will be based on the new copy. Please make sure you successfully get a new copy of the notebook.
