I am an A levels student and I feel that the course is tooo much for me I mean it is getting worse day by day for me to comprehend this stuff so can anyone plz tell more of a foundation level course
Hi @As2 some concepts mitgh be difficult to digest. The first step is identifying why you are struggling. In my experience often is due to programming itself, if this is you I strongly suggest take the new python courae by deeplearning AI, if this is not you I suggest to spent more time on each lesson, try to put together notes on what you understood and make examples that relates to you. Also you can ask chatgpt to explain for a five year old, this often works for me as it use things that relates with your previous knowledge.
Let me know if this helps
In addition to Pastorsoto’s helpful comment, I will advice you to utilise the new Coursera Coach. It can help you to understand the concepts better. Chat with Coursera Coach and ask for help. I’ve found Coach helpful in some of the courses I am taking currently.