How to get the most from learning in a community

Greatings everyone, I am really excited to join this community of learners. I am a newbie ML enthusiast currently done with the course 4 of the deep learning specialization. How can i use community learning to fuel my journey? Any feedbacks on how to learn effectively as a machine learning engineer? And any feedback in general?


  1. Ask questions when stuck/confused.

  2. Find friends. While I myself am caught up in too many other things at this time, almost every (other) day there is someone on here-- or even a group-- looking to either study together or work jointly on some project.

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how do i make study groups here.

Do a search on the forums for the word ‘study’. You will find many past examples to give you an idea.

Hopefully one of the Mentors will read this and offer a better suggestion as I’m not sure exactly which forum group they would prefer you to post in.