Hello @Maheed_Miah ,
As @balaji.ambresh has said, focus on SOURCE_DIR.
You don’t need to think about cats and dogs images separately because below the split_data function, there’s a cell,# Test your split_data function.
This is a pre-coded cell.Learners don’t need to think about this. Here, the paths for dogs and cats are already defined separately, and then we run the split_data function with required parameters, that invokes the required output directly.
Btw I have seen your notebook, you have hardcoded separately for each case also for the graded function #create_train_val_dirs.Don’t do that.
Kindly go through the instructions of the notebook, which are given above the functions.
Since your deadline is near, and if you still have doubts, you can check this Test your split data function not printing expected output - #5 by nilosreesengupta
With regards,
Nilosree Sengupta