Can you please add me
Can you please add me
Hii Rajan here,
This is my github account: rajanpatel126 (Rajan Patel) · GitHub
Add me too. Thank you
Hi everyone,
A couple of points regarding this project:
we will probably reorganize the structure of the repo since some of the issues are more suitable for a markdown article within the resources folder.
we will have another catch-up online meeting next week to review some of the contributions so it would be nice that those of you who are adding content to the repository attend if possible
Remember that deadline for contributions ends in about 2 weeks.
There will be a talk probably next month to share the results of this project with the community.
Another thing…
This short course is very aligned with this project so maybe it is worth to have a look at it:
I did and I enjoyed it
Hi everyone, if you need from us to reinvite you, please let us know in this thread. We are sending each comment in this thread that we have sent an invite. Thx everybody
ok so this Sunday evening we will have the second informal gathering to discuss the contributions so far
People who contributed to the repository are very welcome to explain their contributions
Hi, Would like to contribute to this project, please add me.
Hi Rose
i would like to contribute so please add me.
my github : zenud (Zenud) · GitHub
Good afternoon, I hope you are having a good weekend.
Due to scheduling discrepancies we are forced to reschedule the meeting we had planned for today. We will let you know the date and time at a later date. Many thanks to everyone who has contributed to the github repository!
We encourage you to continue collaborating, thank you very much!
Hi @arosacastillo,
here is my github profile: parikhJeet (Jeet Parikh) · GitHub
Ok so today we have a final synchronization meeting where we plan to review the contributions so far.
Time of the meeting: 4:30pm UTC which is translated to…
6:30 pm CEST
10 pm IST (India time zone)
5:30 pm UK
11:30 am New York, Colombia
Find your time zone CET to EST Converter - Convert Central Time to Eastern Time - World Time Buddy
Keep in mind that next monday the 21st of April the project comes to an end and we will try to organize a talk next month to share the findings of this project with the community.
In 5 minutes we start here:
LLMs Exploits synch
Friday, 19 April · 6:30 – 7:00pm
Time zone: Europe/Madrid
Google Meet joining info
Video call link: https://meet.google.com/qrv-mkxq-kct
Hi! I would love to join and contribute to this project, please can you add me as a contributor?
Here is my github user’s profile link:
Hi everyone,
On Monday the project closed the period of new contributions and we are working now in preparing a nice presentation to share within the community next month so keep an eye out for next announcements.
My github handle is popsail
Would be happy to participate
Please add me Ma’am
The project is now closed and we will take a summer break. After summer we could think about creating a second phase of collaboration.
Many thanks for the interest.
Thanks for your kind response Ma’am.