New Entrepreneur Here Looking To Start An AI-Powered Business With Likeminded Individuals

Title says it all. Located in Phoenix, AZ. I’m currently a bartender and I’m about a year in on studying, implementing, and creating AI-powered content for social media but I’m at a place where all this learning needs to be put into a business. If you’re looking to become an entrepreneur or starting to code software or starting a business, PLEASE HIT ME UP and lets collaborate, work, partner, something! I truly believe we can create something that makes an impact.

Are you interested in Computer Vision related tasks? I’m working on image processing stuff for robotics (image seg, etc.). Let me know if you are interested

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I am actually. It’s nothing I’m an expert in…but something I know I eventually had to get in. I work at Arizona’s largest bar and one of our pain points is identifying suspicious activity outside in parking lots and in the club to ensure safety and provide preventative measures.