Optimization algorithms

Hi @Ibrahim_Mustafa,

in addition to @Elemento‘s great reply, check out this exemplary viz:


RMSprop applies an adaption based on squared gradients, see also the Keras Doc:

  • Maintain a moving (discounted) average of the square of gradients
  • Divide the gradient by the root of this average

Also momentum can by implemented using a moving average, but over the past gradients directly, see also this source.
Momentum can be imagined like „memorising“ the inertia to not get stuck in local minima but make it hopefully to the global optimum in theory. (In practice often you do not need to get to the global optimum as long as the model performance is robust and sufficient…)

If you want to see how RMSprop and momentum can be combined, check out this thread: Adam Optimization Question - #2 by Christian_Simonis

In summary also a bit with respect to the usual goals:

Hope that helps!

Best regards