Remember what the model’s last layer does:
it concatenates the outputs.
So when you call model.predict(*) you get the concatenated output (1, 256) which you now need to split back into v1 and v2. (the v1v2[0] and v1v2[-1] would not work, since it’s the same thing in this case).
You probably have successfully implemented that in Exercise 4 (the classify
function). What you need again here is to get:
- v1.shape - (1, 128)
- v2.shape - (1, 128)
Here is the entire thing
For (“When will I see you?” and “When can I see you again?”), against which you can check your values. First:
# Call the predict method of your model and save the output into v1v2
v1v2 = ?
(1, 256)
v1v2[0, :3]
array([0.03971604, 0.06642354, 0.00687801], dtype=float32)
v1v2[0, 128:131]
array([ 0.16333432, -0.01577964, 0.00418817], dtype=float32)
Second, now you need to split them:
# Extract v1 and v2 from the model output
v1 = ?
v2 = ?
### v1
(1, 128)
v1[0, :3]
array([0.03971604, 0.06642354, 0.00687801], dtype=float32)
### v2
(1, 128)
v2[0, :3]
array([ 0.16333432, -0.01577964, 0.00418817], dtype=float32)
Then you need to get sum of the element wise products:
# Take the dot product to compute cos similarity of each pair of entries, v1, v2
# Since v1 and v2 are both vectors, use the function tf.math.reduce_sum instead of tf.linalg.matmul
d = ?
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=float32, numpy=0.8422112>
P.S. even they ask to use tf.math.reduce_sum
you could get away with tf.linalg.matmul
but you would have to be cognizant of the resulting shape. So, I guess, you better use the reduce_sum.
Lastly, you need to compare against the threshold:
# Is d greater than the threshold?
res = ?
<tf.Tensor: shape=(), dtype=bool, numpy=True>
# since 0.8422111 > 0.7