Problem when trying to submit the last lab in the course

Hello @Hamzah99,

This error message Cell #11. Can’t compile the student’s code. means that the 11th code cell can’t run through. Generally, you may identify the 11th code cell by just counting it from the topmost code cell, or you may also click the below “Restart & Run All” button


which will run all the code cells and stop at the 11th one that should report the same error.

The 11th cell runs the function compute_information_gain that is your exercise in the 10th cell and that is where you might want to start the debugging.

If you want some idea, you may search this forum with the keywords “Wrong information gain. Expected 0.0 got: nan” which is just the error message because, like you did, some learners had asked about it previously. Here is one of the results that may give you a hint which I think is already very close to the common cause of the error you posted. You may use the search for other similar discussions.

Good luck for the debugging, and cheers,