The Difference Between Algebraic and Statistical Linearity in the Context of Regression

Hi everyone!

I’m studying machine learning and came across a question that might seem simple, but it’s causing some confusion. I want to better understand the difference between the concept of linearity in algebra and statistical linearity, especially when it comes to regression. Algebraic Linearity: As far as I understand, algebraic linearity means that a function 𝑦 = 𝑓 ( π‘₯ ) y=f(x) is linear if π‘₯ x appears only in the first degree, for example, 𝑦 = π‘š π‘₯ + 𝑏 y=mx+b. If we add terms like π‘₯ 2 x 2 or higher powers, the function becomes nonlinear. Statistical Linearity: On the other hand, in statistics, I’ve come across the claim that even if we have terms like π‘₯ 2 x 2 , π‘₯ 3 x 3 , and so on, the model can still be considered linear if it’s linear in the parameters (e.g., 𝑦 = 𝛽 0 + 𝛽 1 π‘₯ + 𝛽 2 π‘₯ 2 + 𝛽 3 π‘₯ 3 y=Ξ² 0 ​ +Ξ² 1 ​ x+Ξ² 2 ​ x 2 +Ξ² 3 ​ x 3 ). In this case, linearity is defined as linearity in the coefficients 𝛽 Ξ². Question: Could someone explain in detail why the term β€œlinearity” is used this way in statistics? What’s the reasoning behind this, and what advantages does it provide for data analysis? It would be helpful to see examples where understanding these differences is important in practice. Thanks!

Hey, this is actually a great question, and it took me a while to clear out the confusion I had. To be honest, while I was thinking how to clearly explain it in my answer, I understood a bit more.

Algebraically, when you add powers to X, as in Y = X^2, the function becomes, as you know, quadratic. So, the value of Y changes β€œquadratically” with X.

In Statistics, the thinking is slightly different, because we are modeling (i.e trying the approximate) the relationship between Y, and the predictors, X and X^2. So, when you have the linear regression equation :

Y = Beta_0 + Beta_1 * X + Beta_2 * (X^2)

We are trying to estimate how much Y changes, when the predictor, X changes by 1 unit. And also, how much Y changes when X^2 changes by 1 unit. So, we are estimating the relationship between Y and X, and also between Y and (X^2). The term (X^2) could be seen as a different variable; you could rename Z. So, the effect of (X^2) on Y is linear and is captured by Beta_2.

In algebra, in : Y = X^2, we are observing how Y changes when X changes by 1 unit.
In regression, with Beta_2, we are observing how Y changes when (X^2) changes by 1 unit.

We are adding the quadratic term to capture the curvature that could be present in the data.

Hope this helps.
