Training and validation loss not working in Pytorch

Well then, I am stuck. There goes my GPA

What course are you taking? Can you say more about the state of your problem? What progress have you made since the original question on this thread?

I took the machine learning specialization course on Coursera. Unless you were talking about my college course. They don’t really cover basic stuff on college since they are somehow aiming for the students to be able to do a lot of things at once or at least certain students specialize one thing but does a lot of things. The college course is still on the infant stage I must say, they just started recently on machine learning course.

The changes I made so from this thread was swapping xarr and y1arr for the model, changing the loader from Sklearn to pytorch and the criterion was debugged. My second newest one was asking about the matrix 1 and 2 wasnt compatible to be searched which is an easy fix. I figured, while horrible, not loading was worse than having the original problem.

The new problem was
113 def forward(self, input: Tensor) → Tensor:
→ 114 return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias)
116 def extra_repr(self) → str:

RuntimeError: mat1 and mat2 must have the same dtype

after checking the .dtype, it was torch.int64.
the y1arr and xarr are both the same. however, I cant find the reasons why it doesn’t work, Its stranger that the dtype is different when its supposed to all be the same.

this must have been a better simpler fix now. I also asked my brother about the question and I got similar replies from here, which is good. But its tough getting progress.

I havent tried Pycharm though.

Edit: I asked my brother again and now he said this is supposed to be an easy fix and I just have to check on the variables