True vs predicted values biased-intercept



Now you can check visually the dependency between your features and your residuals (which you already calculated and plotted).

Here you can find a step-by-step guide in the repo how to do this - feel free to just reuse the code:

This step will help you to identify the features which show a strong systematic dependency pattern (e.g. some correlation with your residuals). If you understand why this is the case, you can eliminate these systematics by feature engineering, incorporating more knowledge into your features, so that hopefully the residuals do not show any systematic dependency from your features afterwards - ideally you just see random noise, something like that:

The residuals should be quite normally distributed and they should not show any patterns or correlations with your features, see also this thread.

Feel free to share your visualisations and interpretation of results. Hope that helps, @IZZETTIN_ALHALIL!

Best regards

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