Trying the Dinosur Language Model using Keres

I prepared the Data as follows:
X …> a vector with shape (19909, 1, 27) each char encoded as One-Hot.
Y …> a vector with shape (19909, 27) matching X, but shifted to the left one position.

The model defined as follows:

model2 = Sequential()
model2.add(LSTM(128, input_shape=(1, 27)))
model2.add(Dense(27, activation=‘softmax’))

model2.compile(loss=‘categorical_crossentropy’, optimizer=‘adam’, metrics=[‘accuracy’]), Y, epochs=50, batch_size=1, verbose=0)

The model output for each prediction an array with 27 probabilities for the next letter.

Now from this step onward, how to get the model to create for example 5 dinosur names?

Hi @M_jAd1

First, create a seed with a one-hot encoded vector representing a starting character. Then, iteratively use the model to predict the next character based on the current input (update the input with the predicted character each time). Repeat this process until you reach the name length you want.

Hope it helps! Feel free to ask if you need further help.

Thank you @Alireza_Saei for your reply.

I tried this way:

rand_char = random.choice(X2)
pred = model2.predict(rand_char.reshape(1, 1, 27))
name = ''
for _ in range(20):
  i = np.argmax(pred)
  name += ix_to_char[i]
  #feed the pred again to the model
  pred = model2.predict(pred.reshape(1, 1, 27))

But got the output as follows: szwazwazwazwazwazwaz

Any recommendations on how to modify the code above?

Always choosing the most probable word/character (argmax) can cause this issue, you must avoid this method if you want to prevent repetitive characters/pattern. Also, make sure your model is implemented correctly and probabilities are reasonable.

With the things I said, you can try this:

Instead of reshaping pred for the next prediction, use the predicted index i to create a new one-hot input vector that shows the selected character. Update the input with this new vector and use it for the next prediction.