After hard working of completing my assignment, I was happy to run the last cell to upload all the files (jupyter notebook and .py files) but below errors occurred. Could anyone help me to find a fix?
upload failed: ./C2_W2_Assignment.ipynb to s3://de-c2w2a1–us-east-1-submission/C2_W2_Assignment_Learner.ipynb Unable to locate credentials
upload failed: src/ to s3://de-c2w2a1–us-east-1-submission/src/ Unable to locate credentials
upload failed: src/ to s3://de-c2w2a1–us-east-1-submission/src/ Unable to locate credentials
source code was:
Retrieve the AWS account ID
result =[‘aws’, ‘sts’, ‘get-caller-identity’, ‘–query’, ‘Account’, ‘–output’, ‘text’], capture_output=True, text=True)
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID = result.stdout.strip()
SUBMISSION_BUCKET = f"de-c2w2a1-{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-us-east-1-submission"
!aws s3 cp ./C2_W2_Assignment.ipynb s3://$SUBMISSION_BUCKET/C2_W2_Assignment_Learner.ipynb
!aws s3 cp ./src/ s3://$SUBMISSION_BUCKET/src/
!aws s3 cp ./src/ s3://$SUBMISSION_BUCKET/src/