Unable to upload files for grading due to "Unable to locate credentials"

After hard working of completing my assignment, I was happy to run the last cell to upload all the files (jupyter notebook and .py files) but below errors occurred. Could anyone help me to find a fix?

upload failed: ./C2_W2_Assignment.ipynb to s3://de-c2w2a1–us-east-1-submission/C2_W2_Assignment_Learner.ipynb Unable to locate credentials
upload failed: src/main.py to s3://de-c2w2a1–us-east-1-submission/src/main_learner.py Unable to locate credentials
upload failed: src/endpoint.py to s3://de-c2w2a1–us-east-1-submission/src/endpoint_learner.py Unable to locate credentials

source code was:

Retrieve the AWS account ID

result = subprocess.run([‘aws’, ‘sts’, ‘get-caller-identity’, ‘–query’, ‘Account’, ‘–output’, ‘text’], capture_output=True, text=True)
AWS_ACCOUNT_ID = result.stdout.strip()

SUBMISSION_BUCKET = f"de-c2w2a1-{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-us-east-1-submission"

!aws s3 cp ./C2_W2_Assignment.ipynb s3://$SUBMISSION_BUCKET/C2_W2_Assignment_Learner.ipynb
!aws s3 cp ./src/main.py s3://$SUBMISSION_BUCKET/src/main_learner.py
!aws s3 cp ./src/endpoint.py s3://$SUBMISSION_BUCKET/src/endpoint_learner.py

Hello @Pandeng_Huang
Can you please restart your kernel and try again?
You can restart the kernel from the menu on top of the lab like the following image.

Please, run both the cell that imports the libraries (in part 2 of the lab) and the one that uploads the files (in part 5 of the lab) after restarting the kernel.