Unknown function 'genai.vector.encode'

Hi Everyone,
I am getting Error “Unknown function ‘genai.vector.encode’” when I tried completing the lesson 5 of the course, at below method on my local neo4j database.

MATCH (chunk:Chunk) WHERE chunk.textEmbedding IS NULL
WITH chunk, apoc.ml.openai.embedding(
token: $openAiApiKey,
endpoint: $openAiEndpoint
}) AS vector
CALL db.create.setNodeVectorProperty(chunk, “textEmbedding”, vector)
params={“openAiApiKey”:OPENAI_API_KEY, “openAiEndpoint”: OPENAI_ENDPOINT} )

After few more analasys I got some where that function 'genai.vector.encode is available only with Enterprise Edition of neo4j, if its true , how can we proceed further?

Hi Sunil
Have you found more about this issue? I got the same
