W1c3- The timeout specified has expired (70007)

When I try to generate a stress test over my server
it turns out

I have retried many times but failed

Hello @berylli,
Could you change the http:// url with the one from the de-c1w3-alb, you can copy it from the AWS console step 2.4:

Thanks, as i follow the instruction7.13-7.14. , meeting with another issue :

I couldn’t reproduce the issue when creating the launch template. Could you check in network settings do not include in launch template, hope it helps:

Hello @berylli,
I could reproduce the issue here when created a new template (not version under instances). You should go to autoscaling groups and choose and edit the provided template thenCreate a new launch template version. Follow the instructions from there, thanks

Thanks a lot. I have solved this issue, but after i submitting the lab ,it turns out that

Does it mean that I failed to create this launch template? However, I have checked it in instance and it runs successfully!

Hello @berylli,
I think you might have run out of time as well, but yeah you need to terminate the two instances. You need to wait for the two new t3.nano to become green. Thanks

Hello it should look like this, hope it helps:
Sorry I forgot to update to the correct launch template version. Here are the correct two instances with t3.nano are green:

I got it! Thanks so much!! :laughing:

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