W3 assignment - Grading

hi @ardonp

You seem to have edited codes and instructions between the assigned markers ###START AND END CODE HERE### which you are not suppose to do.

First get a fresh copy and re-do the assignment(make sure you saved a copy of your old file so you can compare them for your learning), and then mention codes only between the assigned markers ###START AND END CODE HERE###

Codes which required corrections:

  1. then for the first code line where randomly sample the sub-volume, You are suppose to add + 1 to all the samples which you have not done according to instructions provided before the grade cell.

  2. one hot encode the categories, you again seems to have deleted the instructions which would have helped you to write the codes correctly as you are suppose to use keras.utils.to_categorical to y, while adding 4th dimension num_classes.

  3. you are calculating background ratio incorrectly. The instructions mentions this has been implemented for you, that mean you do not use y_one_hot[…,0](THIS IS INCORRECT)

it should be y[:, :, :, 0]/Here your code is correct

  1. While changing dimensions of X and y, as you use the transpose function you are suppose to mention the axis and not use value dimension x, y and z.
    I suspect most of your error were caused either because you deleted the instructions already given in the assignment or not correlating them with the instructions given before grade cell.

Also please note in all assignment grade up to here doesn’t work. These features is only provided in some course and not here.

even a minor typo can be detected as autograde failure. So doing assignment as per instructions is mandatory.
