Week 2 graded lab failed


I just completed week 2’s graded lab https://www.coursera.org/learn/intro-to-data-engineering/gradedLti/wXqbI/graded-programming-assignment-1-an-example-of-the-data-engineering-lifecycle. I initially failed it, but then I improved my submission and eventually got full marks. However, the main coursera page still shows that I failed it. How do I get it to refresh the score? Thanks!

Hi @feelverysleepy

Coursera automatically saves your best quiz and lab results, so you won’t lose progress. Try refreshing your browser, and that should resolve the issue.

Hope it helps!

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Hi, the same happened to me.

I’ve refreshed the browser and deleted cache and cookies and still the graded app of week4 does not update.
I’ve have proof of the grades.


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I recommend you report the issue to Coursera via the Help Center. Coursera manages the grader and progress tracking.

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