Why transpose?

I don’t understand why W is an array of 23 instead of 32?

Either shape could be used. There is no universal standard. You might find datasets and models with either orientation. So sometimes you have to transpose a matrix in order for the math to work.


The reason W is defined as a 2 \times 3 matrix instead of 3 \times 2 is based on how forward propagation is set up in this example. W is 2 \times 3 to match the structure of the neural network in this example, where there are 2 inputs and 3 neurons in the current layer. This arrangement allows forward propagation to work as expected when calculating activations for each unit in the layer.

However, as @TMosh mentioned, the orientation of W may vary depending on how forward propagation is defined or the conventions of different frameworks. Some models or datasets may define W as \text{(units, features)} instead of \text{(features, units)} , so it’s common to encounter both orientations in practice, where transposing might be necessary to match expected dimensions.