Sorry for the inconvenience. This seems url related internal server error. I am reporting the staff.
Hey @Mubsi, I suppose this seem to be either Coursera platform related issue as according to recent discussion any download or external links are creating issue in some courses, so letting you know if this is related to the same issue.
You are right I took the course from Coursera Platform. I have had similar issue with other course also named Open Source Models with Hugging Face
This is a huge pain point,
Kindly rectify it
ThankYou for your prompt reply.
Thanks for reporting this @Rishabh_Singh3 and @Deepti_Prasad !
This seems to be an issue within the notebook. It has been noted and forwarded to the team. I’ll let you know when there’s a resolution to this.
Hi all,
All the notebooks of this course have been fixed.