403 Error L5 Extracting Table & L6

Hi All, on L5 and L6 I’ve got an 403 error which I am assuming is an api issue. Is there time constraint on the api usage with preprocessing-unstructured-data? I am not sure how to solve this.

are your doing the L5 and L6 in your local environment (Jupyter)?

Thanks for your reply. Not using jupyter but using the course’s preset page. This error on L5 & L6 occurred on course page. I am living in Europe could there be a geofence for its access?

Can you share a screenshot about this 403 error you got

Deepti, thanks so much for your help. I have really enjoyed this course and want to complete it.
Attached is a screenshot of error.

Hello @Mubsi

Can you have a look at this issue.


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Hi @Tg48,

I ran L5 and L6 and didn’t come across any issue. Could you try running those again and let me know if the issue remains ? Maybe it was a temporary thing.

Tag me when you reply back.


Hi Mubsi, Thank you and Deepti for giving this some attention. I think I’ve found a way around this problem of Error 403, but for me it is not satisfying as I will explain. The workaround I found is that I used another email address to log in to the course and L5 & L6 work fine. Which leads me to the following conclusion. My original email account for the course is time sensitive, meaning that I could only use it following the course for a fixed amount of time or api calls, once that was over the error 403 appeared.

So now my question is how can I refresh the account (based on the email) to continue the course or do I have to redo the course with another email account to finish?
Thanks so much for your help and any further advice you have.

Hi @Tg48,

For various reasons, each student’s free API calls are limited in number. There’s a quota for each month (I don’t know what that quota is).

Since you tried with another email and it worked, it is very likely that you exhausted your limited API calls.

The quota resets every 30 days, so you would be able to continue to finish the course with your previous email after this time period.


Mubsi, thanks for your reply. I hope to finish the course in May.

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