I am facing an issue with the last assignment [Programming Assignment: Question Duplicates, C3W2_Assignment] in the TripletLossFn section.
My implementation is wrong according to the grader:
Failed test case: Got a wrong triplet loss for inputs v1: [[0.26726124 0.53452248 0.80178373]
[0.5178918 0.57543534 0.63297887]], v2: [[ 0.26726124 0.53452248 0.80178373]
[-0.5178918 -0.57543534 -0.63297887]].
but got:
However, after I do plug this input to the supplied notebook for calculating the triple loss, the notebook agreed with my implementation:
v1 = np.array([[0.26726124, 0.53452248, 0.80178373],[0.5178918 , 0.57543534, 0.63297887]])
v2 = np.array([[ 0.26726124, 0.53452248, 0.80178373],[-0.5178918 , -0.57543534, -0.63297887]])
sim_hardcoded = v1 @ v2.T
sim = sim_hardcoded
b = sim.shape[0]
print("-- Inputs --")
print("sim :")
print("shape :", sim.shape, "\n")
sim_ap = tf.linalg.diag_part(sim)
print("sim_ap :")
print(tf.linalg.diag(sim_ap), "\n")
sim_an = sim - tf.linalg.diag(sim_ap)
print("sim_an :")
print(sim_an, "\n")
print("-- Outputs --")
mean_neg = tf.math.reduce_sum(sim_an, axis=1) / (b - 1)
print("mean_neg :")
print(mean_neg, "\n")
mask_1 = tf.eye(b) == 1
mask_2 = sim_an > tf.expand_dims(sim_ap, 1)
mask = tf.cast(mask_1 | mask_2, tf.float64)
sim_an_masked = sim_an - 2.0*mask
closest_neg = tf.math.reduce_max(sim_an_masked, axis=1)
print("closest_neg :")
print(closest_neg, "\n")
alpha = 0.25
l_1 = tf.maximum(mean_neg - sim_ap + alpha, 0)
print(f"Loss 1: {l_1}\n")
l_2 = tf.maximum(closest_neg - sim_ap + alpha, 0)
print(f"Loss 2: {l_2}\n")
l_full = l_1 + l_2
cost = tf.math.reduce_sum(l_full)
print("-- Outputs --")
print("Loss full :")
print(l_full, "\n")
print("Cost :", "{:.3f}".format(cost))
-- Inputs --
sim :
[[ 1. -0.95350769]
[ 0.95350769 -1. ]]
shape : (2, 2)
sim_ap :
[[ 1. 0.]
[ 0. -1.]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float64)
sim_an :
[[ 0. -0.95350769]
[ 0.95350769 0. ]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float64)
-- Outputs --
mean_neg :
tf.Tensor([-0.95350769 0.95350769], shape=(2,), dtype=float64)
closest_neg :
tf.Tensor([-0.95350769 -1.04649231], shape=(2,), dtype=float64)
Loss 1: [0. 2.20350769]
Loss 2: [0. 0.20350769]
-- Outputs --
Loss full :
tf.Tensor([0. 2.40701537], shape=(2,), dtype=float64)
Cost : 2.407