Andrew Ng's AI Python for Beginners final courses are live. Join Now!

:point_right: Join today

We’re excited to announce that the final courses of AI Python for Beginners are available starting today, bringing more hands-on learning and practical projects to get experience coding with Python, supported by an AI companion!
Here’s what you can look forward to in the new courses:
:page_facing_up: Use Python to read data from documents, store it, and analyze it with AI to find key insights, like identifying restaurant names in food blogs.
:arrows_counterclockwise: Automate repetitive data analysis tasks with Python, and save the results directly to your computer.
:wrench: Turn blocks of code into reusable functions and import functions from external libraries to streamline your programming.
:globe_with_meridians: Install 3rd-party packages and APIs to extend Python’s capabilities, making your programs more powerful and versatile.
Whether you’re a knowledge worker looking to enhance your analytical skills and productivity or a developer looking to add Python experience to your toolkit, these courses offer practical ways to level up your skills!
:point_right: Join today


Could you tell me when the deadline for enrolling is?

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New courses do not have enrollment deadlines.

Hi, is it possible to download the material on jupyter associated with this course? (Just like it is possible for other Andrew’s course (for example deep learning specialization)

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When you are in a lesson with a programming assignment, you can use the “File → Download As → Notebook” option.

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Thanks so much!

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How do i open the program area in the python course ? I am not able to open it

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The first programming assignment is in the 5th video (“Running your first program”). It should open automatically in the left side of the browser (the video player is in the right side).

What browser and operating system are you using?

The video next to the notebook does not appear. Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Hello Amal,

Could you specify which item you are referring to?

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Hi everyone, this is an adorable project from Deep Learning AI. But I don’t know why the website is finding it too hard to open the lessons, it keep notifying me.

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Hello @Ebong ,

We are sorry you are finding hard to open the lessons. I will DM you to find out more.

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I have tried more than 20 times to install and import OpenAI. Although the installation and importing are successful, when I attempt to write code and call OpenAI, I receive a ‘ModuleNotFoundError’ or sometimes a ‘Rate Limited’ error. Could you please help me fix this? Also, how can I create a helper function to handle these errors?

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Where can I download “aisetup” library?

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In the notebook, use the “File → Open” menu, and see if it is listed there.