Is there any good book recommondation for linear algebra which can be more useful towards machine learning?
some one recommended Khans Academy
Hi @mendiratta.sunil, there is a chapter dedicated to this topic in the book ‘Deep Learning’ by Jan Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville. This book is a must-have anyway.
Hey @mendiratta.sunil , you can use the Gilbert Strang book on Linear Algebra, I am not sure whether it’s helpful in machine learning but it will help you: Introduction to Linear Algebra
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Hey @mendiratta.sunil , I know you asked for a book but if you are looking for more advanced stuff on linear algebra or just another outlook at it, check this out Video Lectures | Linear Algebra | Mathematics | MIT OpenCourseWare
I would recommend Elementary Linear Algebra by Howard Anton, it’s super easy to understand + good exercises.