
I am stuck as to which value to adjust to avoid the Assertion error for week two assignment on ML specialized machine learning. I can inbox anyone willing to assist. thanks

Please post a screen capture image that shows the entire stack of assert messages.

But do not post your code.

I’m lost at how one can post a screen shot of assert messages without posting the code. I can send you a direct message for assistance because I am behind schedule and don’t think I can still submit the assignment for week 2.
Please let me know if you can be of help. thanks

You can include the part of your code that is shown in the assert message.

But for example, you can’t post your entire function and ask someone else to fix it for you.

You can always submit your work for grading - the weekly deadlines are only reminders.

To post just the assert messages, use a tool that grabs a portion of your screen, copy it to your clipboard, and paste it into your reply.

Mr. Mosh I’ve noticed that in most thread questions similar to mine, the students do not know what to add or include in the code for it to bring the required results by the teacher or auto grader. I thought I would find an explanation here but no one gets the insight replied to in the community wall.