Assignment 2 - Named Entity Recognition (NER)_Exercise 5_masked_accuracy

hi ,
I could not able to resolve the below issue ,please correct me where i made mistake.

thank you

Hi @vemula_suman

please go through the below post

Let me know if issue still persist after the correction.


Hi Deepthi ,
I went through you reference ,but still getting the same error.

hi @vemula_suman

For code line

Compute masked accuracy (quotient between the total matches and the total valid values, i.e., the amount of non-masked values)
Here you have used incorrect code for total valid values(denominator) where you used len function to the y_pred instead you were suppose to use tf.reduce_sum function to the mask values.


Thank you very much Deepti
got solution

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I suppose you are quite old to this platform to know that sharing codes is against community guidelines and your image shows part of the code from grade cell, so kindly remove it.

Happy to help!

Keep Learning!!


Sorry ,I have mistakenly sent code part

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