Assignment failed due to for create_train_test_dirs even tough I see them

Hi, I keep obtaining this error and I do not know how to solve it:

This is my code:
os.makedirs(’/tmp/cats-v-dogs’ +’/training’ + ‘/dogs’)
os.makedirs(’/tmp/cats-v-dogs’ +’/training’ + ‘/cats’)
os.makedirs(’/tmp/cats-v-dogs’ +’/testing’ + ‘/dogs’)
os.makedirs(’/tmp/cats-v-dogs’ +’/testing’ + ‘/cats’)

I can see the folders in the testing field

Thank you

Hi @Paula_Maranon_Herran, I think this happened because you hardcoded the paths instead of using the root_path parameter that the function has and the grader relies on that param to test the function implementation since the grader and the notebook are run in different environments.