Thanks for your answers. I am probably doing a silly error since I am the only one reporting this issue, but for some reason, the following code:
input_x = Input(shape=(Tx, human_vocab_size), name = ‘inputs’)
s0 = Input(shape=(n_s,), name=‘s0’)
c0 = Input(shape=(n_s,), name=‘c0’)
s = s0
c = c0
creates the s0 layer before the input_x layer, and inter-changing the order, as proposed by @paulinpaloalto does not change the model’s output:
[[‘InputLayer’, [(None, 64)], 0], [‘InputLayer’, [(None, 30, 37)], 0], [‘RepeatVector’, (None, 30, 64), 0, 30], [‘Bidirectional’, (None, 30, 64), 17920], [‘Concatenate’, (None, 30, 128), 0], [‘Dense’, (None, 30, 10), 1290, ‘tanh’], [‘Dense’, (None, 30, 1), 11, ‘relu’], [‘Activation’, (None, 30, 1), 0], [‘Dot’, (None, 1, 64), 0], [‘InputLayer’, [(None, 64)], 0], [‘LSTM’, [(None, 64), (None, 64), (None, 64)], 33024, [(None, 1, 64), (None, 64), (None, 64)], ‘tanh’], [‘Dense’, (None, 11), 715, ‘softmax’]]
Of course, I can re-arrange the expected summary as a temporary solution, but since the grader is looking for exactly the right order, the grading eventually fails, hence the use of “issue with grader” @Mubsi .
Thank you for your help.