Autonomous_driving_application_Car_detection, indices[1] = 1 is not in [0,1) error

in the Autonomous_driving_application_Car_detection assignment for the

GRADED FUNCTION: yolo_non_max_suppression, I keep getting the following error:

InvalidArgumentError: indices[1] = 1 is not in [0, 1) [Op:GatherV2]

It is some sort of mismatch in the dimensions of the tensors and I suspect the error lies somewhere in the tf.squeeze and nms_indices.append code lines, but I’m not able to figure out where the issue is since trying for about 2-3 hrs. Kindly help me out with this

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Yes, this helped me out.

Thanks a lot!

This is weird. For me it worked exactly as mentioned in the notebook.
#Use tf.gather() with ‘selected_indices’ and nms_indices_label
didnt need to switch. Although I had error elsewhere.