Beginner to Python/Jupyter

Hi there! I’m a .NET C# programmer, and have never coded in Python or used Jupyter (or however you spell it), but I have used VSCode. I’m attempting to do the graded assignment, and honestly, I don’t even know where to start! Is there a place I can go to for learning how to use the framework set up in the lab assignment? How do I run and debug? Would it be better if I download all the files to my local VSCode and do the coding there? Please help - I just don’t know where to start.

It’s probably better to learn some Python first; I think the online Specialization- Python for Everybody by the University of Michigan is a good one; it’s highly rated on Coursera!

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OK. I’m using my ChatGPT to figure out how to compile and run each section. I’m starting to grasp the concepts now.

No. I recommend you use the course platform.

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Thank you! Got it all figured out now.

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