C1_W2_Assignment Excercise 3

I have managed to do the operation correctly, but I cannot display the Original matrix with the changes, only the change rows. What is missing in my code?

Original matrix after its third row is multiplied by -2:
[ 8. -6. 4. -2.]

Original matrix after exchange of the third row with the sum of itself and first row multiplied by 4:
[ 0. -5. 10. -15.]

Original matrix after exchange of its first and third rows:
[[-4. 3. -2. 1.]
[ 1. -2. 3. -4.]]

Hi @Rainer_Bradler-Hagen!

You have to only modify those rows. Are you sure that you’re not typing something like M = ... instead of specifying the correct row to be modified?

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