Code Cell UNQ_C1: Function ‘compute_cost’ is incorrect. Check implementation.
Code Cell UNQ_C2: Function ‘compute_gradient’ is incorrect. Check implementation.
If you see many functions being marked as incorrect, try to trace back your steps & identify if there is an incorrect function that is being used in other steps.
This dependency may be the cause of the errors.
The error is related to your implementation.
Don’t forget that some implementation had dependencies of other implementations.
That means if UNQ_C1 is wrong the UNQ_C2 also will be wrong.
best regards
refer these hints for clearing the Cell 1 and Cell 2. These hints were given below the grader cells in the assignment
For Grader cell 1 Hint screenshot
For grader cell 2, hints
did you solve your problem, man? I’m literally with the same issue
Where are you stuck with compute gradient??
Share your screenshot, Please refer the images I have shared, all the codes are in the hint, you just need to use it appropriately. do not use f_wb = sigmoid(z_wb) for the compute gradient cell.
Most of the people are doing that mistake.
He did clear the test.
Both with my own solution and copying the hints I get this problem. My own solution pass all the tests on the notebook, still it doesn’t work. There’s no error pointed over the notebook. I really don’t know what to do.
The reason why grader is not passing is because, they would have given you some part of code where you need put the correct code and do not edit, copy and paste based on the hints given. But to modify it according to the equations given in the grader cells you need write the code with the help of the hints.
use the hints shown the just below the grader cell to find the solution. P.S. do not copy and paste this hints you will run into the same issue again.
well, that’s very hard, I have no clue what to do because my code is already passing all the tests. Autograder provides no useful info on any potential problem but “Check implementation”. There’s no single error highlighted on my notebook cells. Didn’t expected that tbh.
please share your notebook via personal DM
Your codes are incorrect. you hard-coded your codes, that is why you are having check implementation instructions for your grader output.
Errors in compute cost.
as shown in the hint you only need to use cost=0, you have use mylist=
later you used append to compute the cost please remove that code.
Also notice cost mentioned below f_wb had cost += where as in your notebook it is cost =, this is why I told you do not copy and paste the code hints. Do the same correction for the total_cost where you mentioned my list. replace your numerator with cost.
Keep codes as simple as given. -
Error in compute gradient grader cell
Again remove jb list and jw list, also the append section of code.
here again you have copy pasted.
Codes given were this
dj_db += (here what you wrote is correct but with a mistake of missing underscore creating an incorrect code)
dj_dw += (here what you wrote is correct but with a mistake of missing underscore creating an incorrect code)
your codes are written like this
djdbi = do not change or add any code lines. For these assignments whatever part of the codes were given at the beginning need to be maintained for the grader to pass
djdwi = do not change or add any code lines. For these assignments whatever part of the codes were given at the beginning need to be maintained for the grader to pass
- Compute gradient error
kindly replace your dj_dw and dj_db at the end with the code hints given below the grader cell.
If you have done all these corrections and passed the test, please update.
All the best!!!
Keep learning!!!
Thanks for you efforts, Deepti. I really appreciated that.
But it turns out that all my code was correct and the problem was my initial suspicion about Autosave disabled. That was being disabled by a security software from the company I work on.
In fact, Autosaved must work on the jupyter notebook, so I turned off this software on my side, managed to save my code changes and got approved.
So frustrating wasting days on this kind of screwing but at least was sorted out.
Can you send the final notebook which you passed for grader via DM
{mentor edit: image of graded code deleted}
Need help. What wrong on my code?
{mentor edit: image of graded assignment deleted)
@wcchoong36, I have two bits of advice:
Please start a new thread for your question. The thread you replied on has been cold for over a year.
Please do not share your code on the forum. That’s not allowed by the Code of Conduct. You should describe your issue, and post a screen capture image that shows any error messages.