Have read some already present solutions on the platform. Need some simple explanation. I don’t have strong coding understanding.
It looks like there is some problem with your calculation. If you have already followed the hints and the forum’s discussion still unable to get it working, then please send me a direct message with the code of that function, and I will have a look for you.
Your code didn’t follow the hints and also, the definition for compute_gradient() has been changed with one of the input arguments, lambda, removed. Please do not change the definition provided, it is there for a reason. If you made changes to the definition, then any subsequent test with lambda will fail.
May I suggest you to follow the the hints. It is a step by step guide to help you write the code for this function. In Python, indentation is the syntax for structuring code block , so make sure your code logic follows that structure.
The pre-requisite for this specialization is coding skills in Python or in some other languages. If you have no coding skills at all, you may consider to take a crash course on Python to have some basic understanding of programming. You can do it in addition to the courses in this specialization if you have time. You will find that having the foundation in programming would help a great deal and you would benefit more from the course materials. Have a look at the Coursera’s website, there are courses for Python beginners.
Thank you so much. I knew there was some serious problem with my programming. Just to complete this assignment I tried different ways. I got your point of lambda, As I am aware of maths behind it. Will act upon your advice, Can you please suggest me a passive learning way for python. Also some specific course, because there is so much available online.
The Quick Python Book, Third Edition, by Naomi Ceder is a very good one to start. You can get it from Manning.com