Compute and display gradient with w and b initialized to zeros
initial_w = np.zeros(n)
initial_b = 0.
dj_db, dj_dw = compute_gradient(X_train, y_train, initial_w, initial_b)
print(f’dj_db at initial w and b (zeros):{dj_db}’ )
print(f’dj_dw at initial w and b (zeros):{dj_dw.tolist()}’ )
dj_db at initial w and b (zeros):-0.1
dj_dw at initial w and b (zeros):[-12.00921658929115, -11.262842205513591]
It matches expected output but
in the next cell the code produces error
assert np.isclose(dj_db, 0.28936094), f"Wrong value for dj_db. Expected: {0.28936094} got: {dj_db}" 54 assert dj_dw.shape == test_w.shape, f"Wrong shape for dj_dw. Expected: {test_w.shape} got: {dj_dw.shape}" 55 assert np.allclose(dj_dw, [-0.11999166, 0.41498775, -0.71968405]), f"Wrong values for dj_dw. Got: {dj_dw}" AssertionError: Wrong value for dj_db. Expected: 0.28936094 got: 0.2017053001698443
There is an error in your compute_gradient() function.
There are several tests - the ones in the notebook, which give the printed outputs and should match the “Expected Output” values.
But there are other tests - invoked by the compute_gradient_test() function. Those testss are the ones that generate the assert. That tests uses different values and conditions than the tests built into the notebook.
Also, please use a screen capture image to report errors. A text copy-and-paste often removes important formatting information, which makes the asserts difficult to interpret.
Here is the screenshot error! I am aware that there is a problem in compute_gradient(X, y, w, b, *argv):
Let me know which part of code is giving the problem for test_w and test_b which are non zeros
There is a problem in how your code computes the dj_db value for the tests used by compute_gradient_test().
You can open the file (from the notebook’s File menu), and see what data the test is using. For example, this test uses three features.
Please don’t add new replies to old threads. The one has been stone-cold for a year. So it’s just pure luck that I was still monitoring it.
Open the notebook.
Use the “File” menu, then select “Open”.
There you can find a list of all of the files in the assignment.
Double-click on any of them and it will open in the browser.