C1_W3Programming assignment grading error

Hi, I’ve completed my grading assignment today and I’ve submitted my assignment. But it gives 60 pts only. But I have passed all test cases. Particularly Q3 and Q4 have some error. Could you please help me?

Refer the below image,

Hey @Senthilvadivel_S,
Welcome and we are glad that you could be a part of our community :partying_face: This kind of issue usually happens when you have used global variables in your implementations. Can you please ensure that you haven’t used any global variable unless and until you are explicitly instructed to do so?


No, I haven’t use any global variable. I didn’t add any new variable also.

Hey @Senthilvadivel_S,
In that case, can you please DM me your implementations for both the functions? For DM, click on my name and select “Message”.


Hey @Senthilvadivel_S,
As I mentioned earlier, you have used word_embeddings inside your implementation of the get_country function, which happens to be a global variable. You are supposed to use the embeddings variable, which has been passed into the function as a parameter. Please go through the rest of your implementations to ensure that you haven’t used any other global variable.
