I am getting the error in the title above when submitting the solution. When running the notebook all the exercises work correctly however I get errors when submitting. I had two new vars introduced but even after removing them I still keep getting the error when submitting. I am newbie with Jupyter notebooks so idk if there is something else I could have done wrong like add/remove code cells but checking the other notes before submitting I don’t find anything wrong.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
It’s a good idea to be careful not to modify things like the function definitions that are given to you or the various comments that the grader uses, as you can see in this function defined in the template:
def sigmoid(z):
If you modify any of those “UNQ_C?” lines, that can cause this type of error.
One thing to try would be to just get a clean copy of the notebook and then carefully “copy/paste” over just your solutions from the “YOUR CODE HERE” sections.
Let us know if that doesn’t help.
Thanks for the swift response. I am going to try this now and get back with news.
That worked like a charm. Thanks again. I’ll remember that I can always open a new copy and c/p the code.
That’s good news that it worked. Thanks for confirming.
Of course the other lesson worth remembering here is to be very careful about not modifying things that you don’t need to. It’s not illegal to add code outside the “YOUR CODE HERE” sections, but you need to be sure you know what you’re doing when you do that.