C1W2 Lab - Jupyter Lab tab not loading

I’m stuck at first Lab at C1W2. I’m running the course at a Mac, the browser is Safari. When instructed to open a new tab with the Jupyter Lab link, it gets blank, with no error but does not load anything. So I cannot complete the Lab.

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Try using a different a browser or network. Also, make sure that your DNS or VPNs are working properly if you are uaing them. Sometimes clearing browser cache or managing extension might be effective!

Hope it helps!

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Hello Reinaldo,
I tried the lab now, and the JupyterLab loads fine. However, I have faced the same issue with some labs in the past, and deleting the Cloud9 environment and recreating it worked for me.


hi @Amir_Zare

During testing I too was using safari but I was told safari might give trouble, so when I used chrome, it worked like charm!!

try different browser incase other mentors suggestions don’t workout.



I tried chrome, cleaning the browsers caches, not working.

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I tried chrome, cleaning the browsers caches, not working.
no VPN here.

can you check your browser setting if there are any firewalls setup?? actually can you share a screenshot on each step how you are following?

like when do you click the start lab, there would a point on left top corner which turns green that’s when you are suppose to click on the start lab, until then if you click you will always get a blank.

read the instructions carefully.

I am tagging dlai.staff @jessica-dlai, probably she can help you on this.

Also I hope you are working on personal computer/system.

aws environment issue can also happen if you’re using any of your company provided system.


Hi Reinaldo,

Sorry that you’re experiencing an issue with this lab. To confirm, is your issue with step 7 of the lab setup (see image below)?

I’ll raise this with our engineers and see if they have any other suggestions.


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@REINALDO_LEPSCH_NETO Our engineer suggested the following:

  • Make sure that you are coping the jupyter link to another tab, don’t click on the link in the terminal, it won’t work.
  • Try doing this in incognitor mode
  • Try clearing your cookies
  • Maybe try using another network or computer (the engineers developed the labs on Mac and tried using both Safari and Chrome with no issues)
  • If that still doesn’t work, perhaps you can share a screen recording or screenshots of how you’re completing these steps? Or perhaps you can check the browser console for errors (press the F12 key) and explore it in that console.

Yes, step 7.

Reinaldo Lepsch Neto

  • since the beginning, im copying the link and pasting in a new folder, never clicking on it
  • tried private and not private tabs
  • tried private and not private windows
  • tried Safari and Chrome
  • tried a computer with Mac and another with windows
  • cleared cookies and caches several times
  • except for the jupyter labs step, each and every other steps were done exactly as in the instructions, so i will not send print screens, as all results are exactly as expected, unless step 7
  • just forgot to add, tried with firewall on and off

All just stays the same.

Hi Reinaldo,

Unfortunately we are not able to reproduce this problem ourselves and we have not seen reports from other learners about this issue, so it’s a bit difficult to diagnose the problem. Our final suggestion would be to try connecting to the lab through another network as described in this reading item. For example, sometimes company-issued devices or workplace internet might have security settings that inadvertently block traffic to resources you 'll need in the lab.

One more thing you can try is to terminate the current Jupyter process and launch another one:

  • In the cloud9 terminal, run ps aux|grep jupyter and note the process ID (PID column)
  • run kill -9 <Jupyter-PID> (where the placeholder is the process id of jupyter).
  • Then, try re-reuning the jupyter steps in the setup.sh file


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just in case if you can take screenshot of each step you are doing till the step it doesn’t work and share with the staff, probably that can help resolving your issue.

I can understand this setback as even for me it took 2-3 days to resolve issue.


the reason i haven’t sent screenshots is that each and every step worked perfectly, except the jupyter lab step. All my other print screens would be the same than the steps document.

Thank you but i have followed all the steps, and all my equipment is personal as I don’t have a job (unemployed).

Thanks for all your help, i quit this course.

ok just one more last try I don’t know if this will work, see that copy link mentions **http:**and then the file information

can you try copy paste the same link but mention it as https

as I remember in one of the course, a pdf was not working with http but worked with https, so probably give it a try.

Sorry for your experience.


Sorry about your experience with opening the Jupyter environment. If you’d like to give it another try, we’re happy to jump on a zoom call to see if we can troubleshoot this step. If the screenshots won’t be helpful, perhaps walking through each step and going through the Jupyter log files together might help us find the cause of this.

still not working

I’m also encountering an issue loading this notebook. I’ve likely missed a step in the instructions, but I don’t immediately see what it is.

I’m at step “5.1. Go back to the tab where you have the Jupyter Lab environment. Go inside the infrastructure/jupyterlab folder.”

Where does this tab exist in previous steps? I don’t see anything that explicitly calls it out. When I open the file in Cloud9, it comes up as a markdown file. I’ve enabled all cookies and am on my third browser - Chrome. Tried using either SageMaker or Braket in the AWS Console, but I get permissions denied for those, as expected. Where is the link I’m supposed to click?

Edit: I found it. It’s buried in the source shell script commands. Can alternatively run this from that file. Look for the docker build / run section in there and run that manually if needed, for future travelers. Open the jupyter output log file to see the url.