C1W2: Video Generation (Optional).ipynb

If you are running things locally or in some different environment than the course website, you need to make sure you use the compatible versions of all the packages or you will hit “versionitis” cases like this. The GANs courses are a couple of years old at this point and things mutate pretty quickly in the general python package space. Here’s a thread from DLS that shows how to figure out what versions you need, although there are no “official” instructions for running in a different environment. Most of what is said on that thread should be applicable, but the one big difference is that DLS uses TensorFlow, not PyTorch, so that’s one area where it won’t be applicable.

There are so many other external environments (PyCharm, VSCode, Colab, spyder …) that it’s not reasonable to expect the course staff to provide you with support for all of them. They have given you a working environment on the course website. If you want to use a different environment, you have to have the skills to figure out how to make that work. It’s fine to ask questions like that here and maybe you’ll get lucky and someone else will have explored a similar environment to the one you are using, but the high level point is that you can’t expect guaranteed support from the mentors or the course staff. That DLS thread I referenced was provided by a member of the community who wanted to help their fellow students. If you figure things like this out, it would be a nice thing to contribute your knowledge to the community as well. :nerd_face: