#c1w3 Graded Programming Assignment 2 - Not Able To Scale Up

Hi All,

I am working on Introduction to Data Engineering > Week 3 > Graded Programming Assignment 2: Good Data Architecture.

I have followed the instructions and tried the following:

7.2.4. Perform a more intense test with Apache Benchmark to test the scaling policy that was created. Go to CloudShell and run the following command (replace ALB-DNS with the DNS Name of your ALB):

ab -n 1000000 -c 200 http://<ALB-DNS>/

When I tried to stress test the system, it seemed that soon after the additional instances were created, they were terminated by AWS.

Anyone knows what happened? Thanks!

Hello @michaelkawaicheung
I guess the logs you see that state instances are terminated are for when you manually terminated the old t3.micro instances in step 7.1.6. You can go to the Instances menu to see all the instances that are created and terminated. As you can see in the following screenshots, I have the same logs too.

I have the same issue. Ended up doesn’t give score.

Hello @EstherHuang666
Can you please share the grader logs with us so that we know which part of the lab you are not getting the grade for?

Thanks for your fast reply. It all good now.