C1W4 lab ETL issues

I’m having all sort of issues with the C1W4 lab. Yesterday, I got as far as creating the ETL job, but then encountered the same issue as many others with the glue job run failing due to insufficient lake permissions. I submitted the form to reset the lab. I decided to try again today, but now the ETL job doesn’t even get created although I get no error messages after running terraform init, plan, apply commands. Questions: 1) will someone notify me when my lab environment has been reset? 2)should I not attempt the lab until the reset? I’ve been trying to isolate the source of the errors, unsuccessfully. 3) What is the source of these errors Terraform, AWS, bugs in how the lab was setup? Terraform is supposed to make the process simpler, yet seems to me it’s complicating it and making it opaque so not clear where the failure is occurring. Thank you.

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  1. Yes. But monitor this thread in case your request is overlooked after a couple of days.
  2. Yes.
  3. Unknown and complicated.

thanks for the quick response. I’ll poke around the aws console for a bit more and then quit until I hear from you that my lab environment has been reset.

You won’t be notified by me. I’m not a mentor or staff for that course.

Hello @aezazi,
I also had issues with this lab and submitted a form yesterday. I will let you know once I have updates. Hope it helps

Understood. Thanks.

That would be very helpful. Thank you.

Hello @aezazi,
I tried that lab and there were a lot of resources left from previously. I think waiting for a new lab session (2 hours) and a new attempt is sufficient instead of the form. For future reference, if you retry it you might need to delete all the terraform folder and all the AWS resources (IAM role,rds connection, glue database etc). That way the commands might not crash your terminal. Hope it helps

Thanks very much for the tip.
I actually managed to complete the lab.
Your advice will come in handy for future labs.

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