C2_W2 Assignment - Issue with exercises 2 and 3

Good evening:

There are 7 exercises in this workbook and I’m having issue with the first two.

Exercise 2 - Get Featured Playlists Response Output: I completed the 4 lines of code, the output appears correct. However the grader provides a 0 score for the function.

Exercise 3 - Paginated Featured Playlists Response Output: I completed the 19 lines of code and I believe I entered the code correctly. When I run the cell, the output prints “Finished iteration for page with offset: 0” and it continues to keep printing that message until I hit the ‘interrupt kernel’ button.

Here is the screen shot of the output:
Screenshot 2024-10-04 at 16.51.10

I’ve reviewed this 4 times now and I’m not sure what’s wrong. Any insight from the mentors would be greatly appreciated.


This is a tricky one, I had to debug the same issue as you. If you would like to debug it yourself, it lies in your previous function defining the api call.

If you want to know where is the issue:

In get_featured_playlists(), your get_featured_playlists method takes in the same base url instead of the formatted url request_url argument.


I see where the issue was now.

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction, I really appreciate your help! :slight_smile:
