C2_W3_Assignment Exercise 2 est case "extra_check". Wrong size of the input layer n_x

My expected output for he layers in correct, but the unit tests say they expect a value 5 and not a value of2.


Test case “extra_check”. Wrong size of the input layer n_x for the test case, where array X has a shape (5, 100).
Expected: 5.
Got: 2.
Test case “extra_check”. Wrong size of the output layer n_y for the test case, where array Y has a shape (3, 100).
Expected: 3.
Got: 1.
4 Tests passed
2 Tests failed

Hi @rtayek,

Can you please send me your function layer_sizes privately so I can have a look at it?


thank you for your prompt reply. i fixed it but do not remember what i did. i completed the course. thanks